Friday, November 12, 2010

Black ops pro's and con's

Alright so Black ops has been out now for about 3 days now, first reaction was I didnt like the game much, obviously the graphics are a bit dumbed down but then again treyarchs games are not always the best polished over looking games anyway, However the thing is, is that they were allowed to use the same engine as infinity ward so...? now granted they added alot of extra little details into it and what not such as the face paint the emblems and titles for the guns, different camo for them and even a few different perks as well. I don't think that it should have taken that much away from it to make the graphics not as clean though, but still it doesnt look bad. it's still a decent game.

alright now lets get into the actual game play and game modes.

TEAM DEATH MATCH: This mode obviously you have your team vs another, great game mode always has been, however in this game for some reason the spawn points are garbage, I hate them, as soon as you spawn you are already under fire. they spawn you away from your team mates and it's hard to work together when your 2 clicks away, usually they would try and spawn you with at least 1 other team memeber but on this one your out alone, unless your team is tight together then your in good hands like allstate but that's  not always the case, sometimes your just a floater and the other guys arent talking so you have to try and be a mercenary with guys on your side. <------this would be a con

on the other hand if your the one who is getting all the kills then you know that your loving it right now I found out that once you get a kill you should follow through with the direction you were going and then wait about 3 seconds to see if that guy you just killed had a buddy with them and if not head the other way and more than likely your gonna get kill right away. once you get a groove of how their spawning and what level your on your kills should always be in the 20's or high teens. if not you have some training to do :)

TIPS: I found out that a good way to get good with the tomahawk is to set up a test run with the training session and put the bots on regular difficulty and just practice throwing it at them as much as you can, hardened is when you get really really good and can throw that sucker fast but veteran... If you can get a tomahawk kill in veteran your the fucking man/woman but dayum, seriously that's insane, veteran is like playing agains cyborgs created from the elite of the elite they turn and shoot you from 500yards out with iron sights between two poles and a window and still make a head shot. lol alright that's all for now i'll write more tomorrow or tonight, and then im going to talk about more make modes

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